April 12 - April 24, 2011
Istanbul, Turkey
Syria & Jordan Group Journal

Our wonderful group in  theater of  Palmyra

The tour Members

The  Name of the tour


Micky the planner    
      Jim the sketcher   
             Mark  the  scholar  
                   Marilyn  the designer         
                        Elisabeth the beloved        

The date of the tour
When the history is being rewritten
 in Syria

*Riots in Homs
*Essad promised to change emergency law
*More riots in Dara

                   Mary Kay  the collector
           Michael  the rogue male
       Carole the trooper
Meli the time keeper

Less than a month before the tour started, the State department issued a travel warning for Syria . E-mails went back and forth among the tour members. Should we cancel our tour? The decision was made without hesitation. The reply emails were short and clear :  " I am in "  said Mark. The rest of the emails started coming in with only two words : "Me too".  After three days in Istanbul, the group met with Meli and had one more fabulous day in Istanbul before we left for our journey which every  one has been anticipating for a long time. Micky had records of every article printed, published, scribbled about Syria.  Even if we were to be lost among the sand dunes in the desert, we knew Mary Kay would take us to a unique restaurant.  We  agreed:   here we come, Syria and Jordan, we will  explore your people, history, art, food, ruins, music. We will even see the whirling dervishes!!   And we  did...  Our Journal and our pictures of the tour are the witness to our  dream come true.
If you promise to keep a journal, I  will travel with you all to the moon.

April 12, 2011

Our wonderful driver, Muhammed
Besides being a great driver he can make animal sounds like
no body else e know

Our guide, Ayman
He is a gentleman, a very polite and calm person with
an incredible sense of humor.

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