Kathy Kline’s Notes on |
9/14/05 Day Eight Konya, like Homa in Syria, is more conservative. It has 1 million inhabitants. Imagine our surprise when we flipped through the tv channels on our hotel tv and came across a female (lesbian?) soft porn channel!Breakfast in the hotel was good plain yogurt to which I added strawberry preserves, small pieces of different kinds of cheese, black olives and watermelon. Lobby full of people chatting and smoking. Radio music pumped up as background. Mosque – Meli talked to us about Sufism. A mosque is never closed. A carpet/kilim hangs over the open door.
respected and loved 700 years after his death teachings were for individuals humanistic, ecumenicals born in 1207 in northern Afghanistan on one of the silk routes His father, a teacher, announced he was going to Mecca after attacks from Mongolia Moved to Baghdad; moved to Damascus (Assyrians); wanted to find land with no heresy and was told of the “Land of Rum” or Roman. Selcuks introduced tolerance so the father and a caravan moved again to Anatolia. His reputation came to the attention of the Sultan in Konya who invited him to his city. The father rejected his offer of living in a palace and asked for a school instead. When the father died, students taught the son Persian, Arabic, Hinduism, Buddhism, math, etc until he reached age 27. The son met a stranger from Tabriz who had euphony. Asked the son “Who do you know?” not from books/facts. For many years, they talked. The teacher left.
Religious non conformity In Anatolia, 2,5000 years ago, a saying “You cannot get your feet wet twice” meaning you need to keep changing.For Rumi, god is in each person’s heart. Perfection is the trinity of wisdom, feeling and conscience. We begin as perfect human beings and need to maintain it. Door of love; invited all as they are.When Rumi was about to die, the Sultan asked where he wanted to be buried. He said in a cemetery. Son allowed his tomb to be built. Father and other family members also buried there.
Catalhoyuk Life for thousands of years found Byzantine tombs Obsidian (natural volcanic glass) mirrors, flint daggers from the Neolithic Era pottery vessel among the oldest in Anatolia
system: Dinner at Gulbahce terrace restaurant facing Rumi’s tomb with cobalt and lead blue tower. Ate spicy tomato and yogurt; lentil soup; think pizza like slices; rice and delicious lamb |